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Page twelve coming soon!

Joanna Pyszny | 25 May 2022 18:00

Daaaaancing! With steel near my eyes!

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Page eleven almost there!

Joanna Pyszny | 16 May 2022 20:00

Boys will be boys!

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Page ten coming soon!

Joanna Pyszny | 15 April 2022 18:00

"A challenge!?"

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Page nine almost there!

Joanna Pyszny | 25 March 2022 08:57

Always expect the unexpected!

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Small delays

Joanna Pyszny | 19 March 2022 14:04

We were supposed to post a sneak peek of the new page but the real world got the better of us.
To make a long story short: Tomasz damaged his middle finger and couldn't use the left hand for a while. This resulted in noticable delays. Hopefully we can avoid such accidents next week and reveal the surprise that is brewing on page 9!

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